Posted by: saladinik | October 14, 2011

Jobs Bill, Likely to Fail, Gets Boost from Obama Aide

As I search for different articles to blog about, I seem to always run into a ton about the Jobs Bill. Unfortunately for Obama, the Jobs Bill has met defeat every time it has gone for a vote in the Senate. However, for each proposal the Republicans deny, they do not have any other alternative plans to create jobs. And the public is rapidly losing faith in the Republicans. Most American citizens care greatly about creating jobs, which gives reason to why they want Congress to pass the plan. Republicans don’t plan to put all the blame on themselves of course. They have argued that many Senate Democrats don’t support the bill either. Those who oppose the bill are arguing whether the payroll tax break will be effective in boosting the economy and describe some elements as “stimulus spending” which they argued has not worked in the past. Although there is a lot of negativity towards this bill, David Axelrod, strategist for Obama’s re-election campaign, is arguing for the bill. He even submitted a three page memo to Congress fighting for the bill to get passed. Included in Axelrod’s memo is a plea to Congress to listen to the American people and pass this bill for them. Support for the Jobs bill has grown to 52% and only 36% oppose Leading economists warn that immediate action is needed to create jobs to avoid another downturn in the economy and 58% of Americans believe it will improve the job situation in the United States. Axelrod also discusses the Republican’s plan to repeal Wall Street reform, and cut taxes for Corporations and millionaires.

Congress is so opposite, it is unbelievable that they can agree on anything! Personally, I agree with those who want to pass the Jobs Bill. I believe it will be a great way to create jobs and stimulate the economy, especially for the middle class. And the Republicans, and those Democrats, who oppose the bills should really have an alternative plan for creating jobs instead of just turning down every proposal that comes to their desk. From a middle class taxpayer’s point of view, I feel like the Republicans are so much more concerned with helping the wealthy class that they don’t really care about the majority of taxpayers, the middle class. The wealthy class really does not have that much to worry about. They’re wealthy!! They aren’t the ones who are struggling to pay the mortgage, utility bills, and find grocery money to put food on the table. Living paycheck to paycheck isn’t something they are very familiar with, but coming from somebody who knows, it is something that controls your mind 24/7. It’s all you can think of, trying to get money, or find a job. The middle class is one of the reasons why the wealthy class is so rich, because we work for them and make them money. We should be the ones Congress is worried about protecting. Not the class who can pay to protect themselves. Republicans need to step out of their own beliefs and if they really look at this bill and can find even one reason why it might work, then they need to consider more about passing it than just tossing it aside. Their job is to put the people first. The majority of the people are middle class, and I think it is time for our needs to be first for a change.

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